The S-word Sisterhood

everything you wanted to say or do but never had the guts to. come join the s-word sisterhood and get to share your secrets with RUBY: a vivaciously SEXUAL 22 year old. REN: a 30 year old, free spirited SENSUAL mystery

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Bad Boy vs Nice Guy Syndrome

REN speaks:

Bridget Jones had Darcy at her disposal, and yet, she was still crawling back to Cleaver.
Sounds familiar? Complete bastards. So why? Why are we all suckers to these bad boy types? Well, they must have attended some con-like-cleaver workshop. Because they know exactly what to say to make us feel good. They make us feel important. They make us feel sexy.

Every girl craves or secretly craves for a bad boy type AT LEAST once in her life. MAYBE till they learn their lesson the hard way of not falling in love with them. Even then, MA…YBE.

I, on the other hand, am perhaps even more foolish, to be still harboring the hope for the IMPOSSIBLE dream of finding a man who is part Darcy (devoted and real) and part Cleaver (exciting and spontaneous).

Hmmm.. And people wonder why I am still single.

Some fuck-for-thought:
Let’s take the example of the love triangle between Jack, Kate and Sawyer in the television series, LOST. Whom would you like to see Kate end up with?

Option 1: Many of us would vote for Jack. Mr Nice Guy.

Sure, Kate and Jack paints a perfect happily-ever-after picture. And Jack probably represents the more logical choice for women in the real world..

Option 2: Kate and SAWYER.

NOW we’ve got one of the biggest sub-plots in the series!! Point taken?

I’m just acting diplomatic. Hurry up Kate. Build a tent, yank one of them in and set off for a horizontal hike already!

Okay, whom would I choose? In my fantasy world, I’ll marry Jack and keep Sawyer for my hot affair!

But honestly? If I were Kate?
I would go for secret option number 3.



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