The S-word Sisterhood

everything you wanted to say or do but never had the guts to. come join the s-word sisterhood and get to share your secrets with RUBY: a vivaciously SEXUAL 22 year old. REN: a 30 year old, free spirited SENSUAL mystery

Tuesday, March 21, 2006


Ruby says :

Even since i got back, it's been hell. I hate it here.. My mind functions like a bullet train trying to process a million thoughts in a minute. It's hard being 23 and struggling to make sense of it all. I've always thought of sex as an escape. A safe heaven for me to enjoy all the good vibrations. It's liberating to be able to explore my body and dictate what makes me feel good.

If you noticed, I haven't had a chance to write as i was busy filling up my date book.. haha! By the looks of it, i am pretty booked : ) As usual.. i only keep wednesday's for special people and tomorrow is the day where i will officially put an end to my DRY SPELL! I am tingling and having mini spasms just thinking of the impending fuck. Let's call this man, B. He reads this blog so i don't wanna scare him too much.. In case, he gets scared and cannot perform! That will be a let down! hahaha!

Yeesss.. yes.. where was i?? Hmmm 'B' has a BEAAAAUUUUUTIIIIFFFUULLL Cock that's just a pleasure to have. He fills me up like no other and its tooo mindblowing to describe.. It's thick without being overbearing! Big without being in your face! I can't sing enough praises about his pecker.. i will have trouble sleeping tonight as i will be dreaming of a particular cock that i want to have! : P *hint hint - come prepared k*


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