The S-word Sisterhood

everything you wanted to say or do but never had the guts to. come join the s-word sisterhood and get to share your secrets with RUBY: a vivaciously SEXUAL 22 year old. REN: a 30 year old, free spirited SENSUAL mystery

Monday, July 24, 2006

Sexual Paralysis… the GOOD kind.

*REN speaks:
Good Sex between a couple, ideally entails a give and take relationship. I’m sure everyone agrees.
But allow me to take a self-indulgent moment.
What I really, really, really, really, miss, what I really, really, really, really crave for..
Is another episode of completely surrendering to a man.
He WANTS to leave me with no choice, but to turn selfish and fall unconsciously into the grip of his mercy.

I do have a detailed account of what it would be like in my head, but honestly, ideally, he will show me moves I NEVER knew I wanted. Ahhhh…

Yes, yes… I know.. Ren is in Dreamworld again… Ruby must be dying to slap me silly and will probably say, “Wake up your face! No man will dare touch you if you continue talking like this!“

Sex therapists say that sex is not supposed to be as explosive as how it is depicted on television or in the movies. But I maintain that it’s not totally unattainable. I am not expecting sex to be mind blowing EVERY single time, or for sex to be just as exciting years down the road. What I’m saying is, once in awhile, a moment(s) should be created, enjoyed, and beautifully dramatized. Planned OR unplanned.

It takes 2 people to live out a fantasy. And with any luck, the honeymoon palace will fly in the sky for a longer time before we start building castles on strong ground.



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