The S-word Sisterhood

everything you wanted to say or do but never had the guts to. come join the s-word sisterhood and get to share your secrets with RUBY: a vivaciously SEXUAL 22 year old. REN: a 30 year old, free spirited SENSUAL mystery

Sunday, April 09, 2006

"High" Maintenance

REN speaks:
So what if you really ARE high maintenance Rube? As long as you are living within your means, who has the right to judge that? And don’t they look good when you look good babe? Don’t let these idiotic comments bother you.

Growing up, my mum labeled me a raggamuffin (still does sometimes). Friends still cringe when they see me throw change into my backpack. In high school, a classmate couldn’t bear to see me take money out from my bus pass holder or rummage through my bag for change anymore. She bought me a wallet, flung it in my face, and said, “use it”. She actually sat there and watched me place my cards and cash into that thing. It's hilarious now, but it was sheer torture then!

The way I am today is a VAST improvement from the past.
But still, combing means running fingers through my hair. Styling it means using an actual brush. The ONLY times I wished I had make-up in my bag were when I had to end up waiting for friends to touch up in washrooms. You can only blow-dry your hands so much before burning them to a crisp.
And I hardly shop. In fact I’m not even sure I even like it.

I was shopping with Steven in Europe.
sometimes, I wonder.. are you a woman or what?


We just walked past a shoe shop and you didn’t even look in.

(shrugs shoulders, turns to another direction and points excitedly)
Look! Dunkin Donuts!

I’m making myself sound like a tomboy. Obviously, I’m not. I still consider myself to be a girly gal. I've even grown used to nicknames like tai tai, princess... etc.

I do live it up a little with the occasional massages and manicures. But my guiltiest pleasures are probably alcohol binges and travel sprees. I’m not sure if these add up to high maintenance, but having my whiskies and jet-setting are intangible luxuries that contribute to life experiences I can never put a price on. And if a man doesn’t understand that about me, I’d gulp down my wine before acting on my first impulse of allowing him lick it off from his own face. What a waste of alcohol that would be.

hmmm.. maybe i really AM "high" maintenance...


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