The S-word Sisterhood

everything you wanted to say or do but never had the guts to. come join the s-word sisterhood and get to share your secrets with RUBY: a vivaciously SEXUAL 22 year old. REN: a 30 year old, free spirited SENSUAL mystery

Friday, June 16, 2006

Ren Romanticizes Sex… Again.

REN speaks:
Some men are just “Innately born” with the ability to radiate sensuality..
It’s not the looks, it’s not the physique. I’ll tell you what fucking kills me sometimes:

The way he looks at me - lustful yet non-invasive.

His personality - matured yet child-like

His mind - intelligent yet not arrogantly so

His speech - smooth yet not pretentious

His lips - twitches them teasingly, his cheeky grin bursts into to a sexy laugh

He glamorizes the sun, the sea, the sand, the sex…

He relishes in the drizzle, the downpour, the lightning, the thunderstorm…

The way he smokes his cigarette -

he picks the pack up. He slides a stick up to his lips and firmly fires the it up . He draws in a puff, smoking like it was honey. He flicks the ash off swiftly with his thumb.. He’s now ready for another drag. Before he can take a second puff, he unexpectedly catches a glimpse of you. He loses his rhythm. He pauses for a few seconds. He interrupts his smoke for an exchange of flirty smiles. He continues to finish up his cigarette but remains pleasantly affected from the intense moment. Leaving his body, his heart and his mind unsettled for awhile, for a long while...

Shit, I’m spasming.. Sorry, I got carried away.

I’m such a dreamer, I always lose sight of my point..



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