The S-word Sisterhood

everything you wanted to say or do but never had the guts to. come join the s-word sisterhood and get to share your secrets with RUBY: a vivaciously SEXUAL 22 year old. REN: a 30 year old, free spirited SENSUAL mystery

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Bad Girls

Ruby Speaks :

What exactly about bad girls that drive men wild? I thought about it for a while and rummaged through my memory bank of all the other bad girls i know. A messy desk with a few pieces of crumpled paper later, i have come to the following conclusions :

1. The Bad Girl's ability to be great fun is on top of the list. We can party all night and probably party the next day too. We laugh a lot and are fond of flirting. Anybody can feel like a professional lady-killer when hanging out with us.

2. Bad girls have an optimistic attitude to life. We are full of energy. We tend to not indulge in self-analysis. Thus, falling into a period of depression is out of the question. To us, Life is a never-ending show.

3. Bad girls are hungry for sex. We enjoy sexual experimentation. We will do anything you want and maybe more than you want us to do. Our screams of joy will make you think you are really hung like a stud.

4. Bad girls are sexy. We may not be the prettiest or the tallest of the lot but we radiate confidence. Nothing spells SEXY more than a confident woman.

Some girls are born bad and others simply learn the art. I am the latter and am not afraid to admit it. I learnt the art of being bad by choice. After 2 long term relationships i decided that maybe i should turn the tables and use and abuse men before they could do the same to me. Fuck like a man i'd say. But after a year. I think i'm tired. time for me to throw in the towel? perhaps.


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