The S-word Sisterhood

everything you wanted to say or do but never had the guts to. come join the s-word sisterhood and get to share your secrets with RUBY: a vivaciously SEXUAL 22 year old. REN: a 30 year old, free spirited SENSUAL mystery

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Hands-on experience for PMS

REN speaks:

God man Rube, you just made PMS sound sexy.

Okok, you must be so… not in the mood. But how are your breasts swollen and soft as jello at the same time? Mine get swollen and bloated. The symptoms were brought to my attention the first time I experienced PMS. Hehe… Mine are more modestly modeled compared to yours, but nevertheless, they seem to appear bigger and rounder despite hurting like hell upon any slight movement.

One would think any chick would develop mood swings, slam doors, scream, or get edgy at any minute sign of groping from her partner. This is what I hear from most of my male friends at least. But I wonder, am I the first woman to say that, I don’t find it totally unpleasant for a little action during PMS? Of course, there are times when my body will be breaking, but yes, I still wouldn’t mind the presence of a man’s pair of hands. Sure like you said, cuddling and snuggling IS nice, but maybe, just maybe, if he was reeeeally nice enough, he would gradually put them into better use. Just the way I like it. Yeah I know, I’m crazy.


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