The S-word Sisterhood

everything you wanted to say or do but never had the guts to. come join the s-word sisterhood and get to share your secrets with RUBY: a vivaciously SEXUAL 22 year old. REN: a 30 year old, free spirited SENSUAL mystery

Thursday, March 16, 2006

no fuck yet.. SAFETY FIRST!

Ruby's thoughts :

i am on the brink of desperation. My time is almost up here and still no possible candidates to screw.. hmmm.. i am beginning to question the statement i made,saying any cock will do. But.. NOOOO..oooooo I guess i am going to have to go back on my word.

Take for example the other day when I got picked up on my way back from to the supermarket.
There i was minding my own fabulous business when this car slowed down and followed me by the side as i was walking. My first reaction was to smile cos it might be someone i know.. but then i looked across and saw this unfamiliar face looking at me. There he was driving a nice black peugeot coupe at 2km/hr trying to keep in pace with me. sweet and smiling...

Ahh.. he was very manly looking, possibly in his mid 30s and he's voice.. oooohh.. he's voice was so sexy when he asked if i wanted a lift.My head was thinking of all possible scenarios.. 95% of my thoughts had me and him making out and screwing before we could even make it to my front porch but the naggy 5% got the best of me..

I BLAME OPRAH! DAMN U FOR SHOWING ME REAL LIFE EPISODES OF WOMEN BEING RAPED AND DUMPED IN NOWHERE LAND... that and the thought of getting into a car with a complete stranger would be borderline desperate behaviour.. even for me.

so i had to DECLINE.

In less than 5 mins :
my dirty thoughts finished with a FULL STOP. my loins had to deal with REJECTION and my
legs had to bear the 25 mins walk back home. maybe i blew the best possible chance of a screw but then again, remember SAFETY always comes first.


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