Before Sunrise / Sunset = Before Shagging
I'm thinking of buying the dvds. This is one of those movies I can expect to discover new subtleties each time I watch it.
BEFORE SUNRISE (1995): Jesse (Ethan Hawke) meets Celine (Julie Delpy) on the train. Both in their 20s. They take a risk by spending a day with each other before parting.
- first eye contact, shying away from eye contact, stealing glances.
- they discuss about feelings, opinions, life, romance, and sex.
- they "fall in love" through conversation, and subconsciously reveal their attraction for each other through body language.
BEFORE SUNSET (2004 sequel): 9 years later, now in their 30s, they meet again..
Naturally, both matured over the years…
But they each return feeling somewhat jaded from what life threw at them during this time. They carry emotional baggage from the choices they made and bear regrets from unspoken feelings and lost opportunities.
However, ONE thing remains unchanged - the same sexual tension still rings in the air.
The 2 movies are actually mainly made up of the couple’s conversations. Nothing else really happens. But frankly, I can hardly remember what they spoke about, but it's not so much what they said, but rather how they interacted with each other.I can’t help but feel that sometimes if you sleep with a guy too soon, you’ll be setting yourself up for an early disappointment... Both sexually and emotionally. The chapter might end before you can even turn a page. But I guess sometimes it’s all about taking a risk. Because the worse thing to happen is getting to a stage where you question yourself the what-ifs.
This is what Ruby might say, "I don't see the point of all this.. That's why! you should just do it, do it, do it! Waste time with all this conversation!. Wait 9 years, regret.. for what fuck?"
Hahahahaha… She's probably right though..
But I still can't shake off the notion that such conversations do stir an amazing blend of fiery passion and romantic nuance, building an epitome of physical and emotional intimacy.
The way I see it, it’s the ultimate foreplay...
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