2 weeks ago:
“The Break up” is on!
Let’s go watch it! Sober date take two!
Yeah! We all know how successful the last one went..
Everyone is saying the movie is a waste of time.. But I wanna watch it..
Vince Vaughn should be good.

Oh shut up your face! We all know it’s because you wanna fuck Jennifer Aniston.
**REN speaks:
Any mention of the movie, “the break up“, and people cringe at the thought of wasting their time and cinema dollars on this romantic comedy… IF they haven’t already.
But I appreciated the realism depicted. Namely…
1. the honeymoon period scenes probably took up.. at most, the first 10 minutes of the film.
2. fights arose mainly from petty issues
3. Amidst endless bickering and intense friction between the couple, Gary (Vince Vaughn) walked into the bedroom to find Brooke (Jennifer Aniston) in tears.
I can’t remember the dialogue word for word, but after Brooke expressed what she needed to keep the relationship together-
Why didn’t you JUST say so..
I did.
well.. Not THAT way…
Perhaps the breakup could have been avoided if they knew the importance of NOT ONLY communication, but also HOW you communicate.
Unfortunately, as much as Brooke wanted to save the relationship from the beginning, she reached the point of no return when Gary was ready to change.
I guess, sometimes we forget that timing counts too.
Truth is, I actually enjoyed the movie. Really. And here’s why.
Frankly, I was hoping not to see another clichéd fairy-tale ending.
They didn’t end up together.. Or did they? I loved the fact that the audience were left wondering. Personally, for me, it didn‘t matter. It was a good ending.
And it delivered a stronger message..
Because now, they HAVE a choice. They would be aware of the risks involved if they did reconcile. And if they didn’t, they carry with them lessons from the mistakes they made and learn to apply them to their next relationship.
It’s easier to stay in that comfort zone for sure.. People sometimes stay in dead relationships because of lust, or they are afraid of change, loneliness, guilt, and/or emotional insecurity. Totally understandable, but NOT excusable.
I am NOT a relationship cynic. All I’m saying is, no bond is too strong to be broken. And if it happens, learn how to move on.
WITH him/her if you can, WITHOUT him/her if you have to.

“The Break up” is on!
Let’s go watch it! Sober date take two!
Yeah! We all know how successful the last one went..
Everyone is saying the movie is a waste of time.. But I wanna watch it..
Vince Vaughn should be good.

Oh shut up your face! We all know it’s because you wanna fuck Jennifer Aniston.
**REN speaks:
Any mention of the movie, “the break up“, and people cringe at the thought of wasting their time and cinema dollars on this romantic comedy… IF they haven’t already.
But I appreciated the realism depicted. Namely…
1. the honeymoon period scenes probably took up.. at most, the first 10 minutes of the film.
2. fights arose mainly from petty issues
3. Amidst endless bickering and intense friction between the couple, Gary (Vince Vaughn) walked into the bedroom to find Brooke (Jennifer Aniston) in tears.
I can’t remember the dialogue word for word, but after Brooke expressed what she needed to keep the relationship together-
Why didn’t you JUST say so..
I did.
well.. Not THAT way…
Perhaps the breakup could have been avoided if they knew the importance of NOT ONLY communication, but also HOW you communicate.
Unfortunately, as much as Brooke wanted to save the relationship from the beginning, she reached the point of no return when Gary was ready to change.
I guess, sometimes we forget that timing counts too.
Truth is, I actually enjoyed the movie. Really. And here’s why.
Frankly, I was hoping not to see another clichéd fairy-tale ending.
They didn’t end up together.. Or did they? I loved the fact that the audience were left wondering. Personally, for me, it didn‘t matter. It was a good ending.
And it delivered a stronger message..
Because now, they HAVE a choice. They would be aware of the risks involved if they did reconcile. And if they didn’t, they carry with them lessons from the mistakes they made and learn to apply them to their next relationship.
It’s easier to stay in that comfort zone for sure.. People sometimes stay in dead relationships because of lust, or they are afraid of change, loneliness, guilt, and/or emotional insecurity. Totally understandable, but NOT excusable.
I am NOT a relationship cynic. All I’m saying is, no bond is too strong to be broken. And if it happens, learn how to move on.
WITH him/her if you can, WITHOUT him/her if you have to.
Labels: movies
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