Brunette desperately seeking Brawn
There was this chick who threatened to publish my profile on a few years ago. I swore to kill her if she did.
The only redeeming factor about speed dating is the fact that there is alcohol involved in this version of the game. At least that’s what Ruby promised if I went with her. Well, there BETTER be. I don’t see myself going through it with anything less than 5 shots. I’m not against the idea. I just don’t like witnessing men presenting someone else’s best side as their own within the draggy timespan of 180 seconds.

Here’s a suggestion:
How about giving me 3 minutes worth of your ugliest side? And I’ll do the same. And if we're somehow still strangely compelled to remain seated across from each other, and laughing about it, what the hell.. let’s walk down that aisle to the bar baby!
My Personality: happy-go-lucky - life is too short.
Favorite television programs: I’m a sitcom queen. Too many to list. Will elaborate to those who care to know.
My favorite romantic movie: Before Sunrise/Sunset.
My favorite animal: All EXCEPT mosquitoes. Which is not fair.. Because I know they absolutely love me.
What friends say about me: simple, complex, extremely private
What gets on my nerves: Arrogance.
My Mr Right:
Loves to laugh
Loves to travel
Can’t go to sleep when either one of us angry. Because I sure can’t.
Age: don’t think I’ll set a range in stone
Location: don’t care.. I’ll move if He/I can afford it.
Ethnicity: I wouldn’t rule any race out
Big romantic gestures are not important. I opt for a more regular realistic option:
Coming home from work to hear chill-out music he thoughtfully put together. I find 2 glasses, an ice bucket, cans of soda water, a bottle of malt whiskey and a small bowl of bhujia, all resting on a bed of red rose petals. (If his drink ain’t whiskey, that’ll be displayed too. It doesn’t matter what it is) Sprawled on the floor (in front of a fireplace if the country permits it) on huge throw pillows… we recap our day over 2 drinks. And maybe exchange our requests for possible sex games. The music is timed in such a way that after 2 drinks, the mood is now set with the perfect piece of make out melody. We make passionate love.. We then continue the high with probably one more drink, and then proceed to sort out dinner. Beautiful..
Labels: romance
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