The S-word Sisterhood

everything you wanted to say or do but never had the guts to. come join the s-word sisterhood and get to share your secrets with RUBY: a vivaciously SEXUAL 22 year old. REN: a 30 year old, free spirited SENSUAL mystery

Thursday, May 04, 2006

If i had a personal Ad..

Ren and Me have been talking a whole lot about settling for one man.. Maybe we have had enough cocks to last us a lifetime but personally for me.. i just don't want to risk another Brazilian episode! You can safely say i was traumatized.

So now, we are exploring the options of finding men we could actually be interested in keeping! Men with a similar interest and agenda. That's why i suggested speed dating.. It's scary to know that you're gonna have to tell everything about your personality, likes and dislikes in a short span of 3 mins.. i mean how to compress everything together?????? but motormouth me, will surely find a way!

As the title goes.. if i had to sell myself on a dating site.. this would be it :

How I Describe Myself

A free spirit who takes everyday with a pinch of salt. Life is too short to keep on asking for directions. Live a little, i'll do something small everyday to yank myself out of my comfort zone.
I'll take my shoes off and dance in the rain! Maybe groove to the music playing in the supermarket while i grocery shop. Only stopping to take a moment to reflect that my Life is actually fun.. : )

Profession: Consultant
Education: Graduate Degree
Religion: Other
Marital Status: Single
Personality: The life and soul of the party
Thoughts on Kids: Will get around to it someday
Thoughts on Smoking: I don't smoke
Thoughts on Alcohol: I drink socially

● My Appearance

Body Type: Dangerously Curvy
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Hair Style: Permanent bedhead
Eye Color: Deep brown
Looks: Good looking
Personal Style: I am a fashion guru :P

● My Tastes

My favorite movie (and why I like it so much):

I am such a girl with this question. My all time favourite movie would be : My Best Friend's Wedding, i simply adore the characters and yeah.. reality does bite when the girl doesn't get the guy! hahaha!

My favorite music (and why I like it so much):
i can listen to anything from METAL to the Classics. I am a chair groover more than anything else but when i dance.. i burn the floor with Shakira and Beyonce!

My Favorite Animal (and what I like about it):
oohhh.. animals are GREAT.. I grew up in a farm for a house... (or at least what my mom used to call it) so why not, you name an animal and i would probably have : cuddled it, smouldered it with love, stuffed it down someone's shirt, scared someone with it, or.. errrmmm.. Buried it???

What friends say about me:
Energizer Bunny.... SIT DOWN before we tie you to the chair!

What makes me happy:
simple things like Hugs and kisses and of cos... Good Chocolate! : )

What bugs me:
ironing.. I can't iron my business shirts to save my life!

What's sexy:
ME! Cooking YOU dinner..did i fail to mention i'm a fantastic cook?

How I Describe My Ideal Match
- A little Adventurous. - Someone who compliments and not polarize me - Confident - Able to laugh at himself - Enjoys my company

I'm looking for a:

Activity partner, Casual dating partner, Meaningful relationship partner, Marriage partner, Someone to talk with about travel, Travel Companion
Gender: male
Age: 26 - 36
Location: All over the world
Ethnicities: Chinese, Japanese, Latino/Hispanic, Middle Eastern, White/Caucasian, Mixed, Indian, Other ethnicity

This is not toooo much to ask for right???? Any of you reading this.. and you would like a relationship to keep.. pls.. drop us an e-mail with your particulars and don't forget to include.. this is important..


Penile lenght when erect.

Thank you. We'll be in touch.


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