The S-word Sisterhood

everything you wanted to say or do but never had the guts to. come join the s-word sisterhood and get to share your secrets with RUBY: a vivaciously SEXUAL 22 year old. REN: a 30 year old, free spirited SENSUAL mystery

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

RacialisDicK Part One

If you met someone perfect for you, but is 9cm, would you be with him?

Hmm… Is he rich?

You’ll be comfortable.

Everything else about him is ok? Nice guy and all that crap?


Hmm.. This is a tough one..

I know.. But what would you do??? Would you stay?

I would love to say I’ll be okay with it.. But I don’t think I can bring myself to overlook that.


But to answer your question, I CAN be WITH him, but I’m sure I’ll cheat in no time. So what’s the point..

*REN speaks:

I am probably not working with a sample size big enough or representative enough, so correct me if I’m wrong. I think some races DO fall a little short. Perhaps not by much, but sometimes, that extra inch makes all the difference.

It HAS been scientifically proven that black men are indeed bigger than white men, and white men are bigger than Asian men (Indians and Indonesians excluded). I’m not saying it matters. Much. Well, for some women I know at least.

Neither am I totally bought by the general belief “once you go black, you wouldn’t go back“. While I take a little comfort in knowing I still qualify to conduct this investigation, it would be helpful if someone can help me speed up the process of my research, or at least confirm my current findings. I’m not learned enough to argue with genetics. That’s all.

Of course, there MUST be exceptions to the rule. I mean, I haven‘t had the experience of seeing a 2-incher or a 9 cm cock (thank fucking god for that). 6 people I know have seen a 2-3 incher. WTF??? I stopped at 8 people, because I realized I might charter into dangerous waters by just asking anyone freely. I mean, who knows.. If I happen to ask a 2-incher or a partner of a 2-incher unknowingly, this might happen. Don’t wanna be mistaken for a first-class bitch.. So my survey stopped there.

Interestingly, I read somewhere that vaginas are designed to fit the dicks correspondingly within each race. Just some "fuck-for-thought".
My friend Zach told me he did this Brazilian chick once and he felt nothing. And if I MUST jump to his defense, Zach is NOT cock-challenged. So I often wonder, does size matter to men too?

I’m not going to live adamantly by my deductions from this survey… I’m just trying not to defy science.

So dicks and chicks, let’s get the penis poll ball rolling!!!


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